I don’t like endings and I don’t like beginnings. Both are so momentous and full of possibility that I’m afraid I’ll mess them up. What if I allow the wrong door to close? What if I don’t open the next one just right?
These rooms feel too small and cramped to spread my wings, but I stay because I know at the least there is room to dream.
But do you know the problem with this way of living? Fear is a thief without scruples and each day you let it stand between you and your best self it steals every last ounce of your joy.
So, if the doors terrify you, close your eyes, hold your heart in the palm of your hand, reach forth with it as your guide, find that window in your mind, and leap; don’t worry about the takeoff, don’t worry about the landing, just let your wings unfurl.
Chance is the ruin of many a foolish, reckless person, but it is the mistress of those who jump high and have faith.